With gentle and effective heat, the Infrared Sauna allows you to reap a multitude of amazing health and beauty benefits.
With gentle and effective heat, the Infrared Sauna allows you to reap a multitude of amazing health to your whole body.
Our Infrared Sauna session cost £35 per session or a course of five sessions for £99 (saving £76)
Infrared Sauna - £35
DERMALUX FLEX LED FACIAL is the most powerful portable devise.
After just one treatment.
Skin becomes more hydrated, plump and radiant and any redness and irritation is calmed.
The Dermalux LED Facial treatment costs just £83 per session or a course of six sessions for £415 or eight sessions for £550.
Dermalux LED Facial - £83
Tri-Wave MD is the most powerful, professional, stand alone LED devise in the world.
From the first treatment, Dermalux instantly boosts the complexion to restore vitality and glow. A treatment course offers cumulative benefits and can be targeted to specific skin concerns for the face and body with lasting and visible improvement.
The visible effects can be seen after just one treatment, Skin becomes more hydrated, plump and radiant. Any redness and irritation is calmed.
Medically CE certified for Acne, Psorasis, Wound healing Pain relief .
The Dermalux Tri-Wave MD is £90 per session or six sessions for £450 or eight sessions for £600.
Dermalux Tri-Wave MD - £90 / £450 / £600
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that speeds up the life cycle of
skin cells, causing them to build up rapidly on the surface of the
skin. These extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are
often itchy and sometimes painful.
A Proven Treatment for Psoriasis
Dermalux LED.
This method slows down the rapid growth of skin cells and can significantly reduce symptoms.
Dermalux phototherapy has shown remarkable results in managing psoriasis symptoms.
Dermalux significant improves the skin condition, including reduced redness, flakiness, and discomfort. By incorporating Dermalux treatments into their skincare routine, individuals with psoriasis can achieve healthier, clearer skin and an improved quality of life.